For those who are interested in the past, here some images from 1998 until 2013 in chronological order. The double pages are taken out of my first monograph PHOTOGRAPHS + THE WALLPAPER* YEARS. Highlights and personal favourites that I like to share with you. All images were published in magazines.

More information about the book >

They called it the WALLPAPER* STYLE. For us it was a life-affirming alternative to HEROIN CHIC and GRUNGE of the 1990s and primarily fun.

Below a few images out of the book which were published in WALLPAPER*.

Worth a try

JEDEN TAG EIN WENIG is a blog that I started 2012 as a photographic diary with snapshots and gifs. I'm not really someone who always has my camera with me, but as a temporary project I found it quite exciting to do so. I stopped it because I always kept my eyes open for good motifs. The blog is still online, but forgotten. Some good stuff was deleted by TUMBLR after they started censorship.
